24 setembro 2012

[REPORT] YCS Indianapolis 23/09 e 24/09

Aew Pessoal,

ocorreu esse fim de semana o YCS Indianapolis. O Torneio teve a participação de 837 Duelistas e teve seu Top assim definido:

Top 8

01 Inzektor (\0/)
01 Six Samurai
01 Machina Gadget
02 Wind-Up
01 Hieratic
01 Chaos Dragon
01 Machine Geargia (com Jinzo, Call of the Haunted e Cyber Dragon)

Top 4

01 Six Samurai
01 Machina Gadget
01 Wind-Up
01 Hieratic


Six Samurai x Wind-Up


Campeão - Junior Dorcin

Monsters: 15
03 Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
03 Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
02 Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
01 Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
01 The Six Samurai - Zanji
01 The Six Samurai - Irou
01 Elder of the Six Samurai
01 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
02 Maxx "C"

Spells: 13
03 Six Samurai United
03 Ascetism of the Six Samurai
01 Gateway of the Six
02 Shien Smoke Signal
01 Reinforcements of the Army
01 Mystical Space Typhoon
01 Heavy Storm
01 Monster Reborn

Traps: 12
02 Musakani Magatama
02 Compulsory Evacuation Device
02 Dimensional Prison
02 Bottomless Trap Hole
02 Solemn Warning
01 Solemn Judgment
01 Double-Edged Sword Tecnique

Extra Deck: 15
01 Number 16: Shock Master
01 Number 39: Utopia
01 Blade Armor Ninja
01 Heroic Champion - Excalibur
01 Temtempo the Percussionist Djinn
01 Wind-Up Zenmaines
01 Adreus Keeper of Armageddon
01 Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien
01 Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
01 Ally of Justice Catastor
01 Naturia Beast
01 Naturia Barkion
01 Mist Wurm
01 Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
01 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck: 15
03 Puppet Plant
02 Cyber Dragon
01 Effect Veiler
01 The Six Samurai - Kamon
02 Dimensional Fissure
01 Mystical Space Typhoon
03 Rivalry of Warlords
02 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2° ColocadoKristopher Valters

Monsters: 19
03 Wind-Up Rabbit
03 Wind-Up Shark
03 Wind-Up Magician
03 Wind-Up Rat
02 Thunder King Rai-Oh
02 Snowman Eater
02 Tour Guide from the Underworld
01 Sangan

Spells: 9
03 Wind-Up Factory
02 Mystical Space Typhoon
01 Dark Hole
01 Heavy Storm
01 Monster Reborn
01 Pot of Avarice

Traps: 13
02 Bottomless Trap Hole
02 Torrential Tribute
02 Dimensional Prison
02 Mirror Force
02 Compulsory Evacuation Device
02 Solemn Warning
01 Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck: 15
02 Wind-Up Zenmaines
01 Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
01 Wind-Up Zenmaister
01 Number 16: Shock Master
01 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
01 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
01 Number 39: Utopia
01 Temtempo the Percussionist Djinn
01 Maestroke the Synphony Djinn
01 Leviair the Sea Dragon
01 Photon Papilloperative
01 Tiras Keeper of Genesis
01 Adreus Keeper of Armageddon
01 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck: 15
02 Cyber Dragon
02 Dimensional Fissure
02 Messenger of Peace
02 Soul Taker
02 Nobleman of Crossout
01 Mystical Space Typhoon
02 Needle Ceiling
02 Royal Decree

Na medida que mais decklist´s sejam divulgados, vou atualizando o tópico.

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